Sule Ayodeji

Sule Ayodeji is a participant in the OAK 2 Livestock & Entrepreneurship training program by Full Life Empowerment Programme – FLEP Nigeria in Gedegede, Ikare, Ondo State. During an entrepreneurship class, a particular concept caught his attention—The Lean Startup Approach. A business startup concept that teaches the need to start small and build businesses through the customer feedback loop. Prior to the project, he kept a poultry farm which he retired to purely for his personal consumption.

Fueled by what he had just learned, Sule decided to apply the lean startup approach to his farming endeavours. He saw an opportunity to try out the business principle by venturing into poultry farming for profit-making purposes. He began a small poultry operation with 100 birds within his community in Gedegede.

Sule’s care and attention to detail paid off. He diligently monitored the brooding process, providing the young chicks with optimal conditions for growth. He recorded 97% success rate as he lost only 3 birds during the brooding phase. The surviving birds were now on the path to becoming full-grown poultry.

While they continue to grow, Sule has not yet sold any of them, but he remains steadfast in his vision. With the valuable knowledge and inspiration he gained from the OAK 2 training, Sule envisions a future where his poultry business thrives, contributing to his overall success as an entrepreneur.