
Mr. Bakari, 28, is a small-scale entrepreneur based in Gandini Centre, Kwale, Kenya. Before the 2019 COVID pandemic, he was a beacon of hope in his community; a provider for his wife and 3 children. The pandemic however stripped him of almost everything. Due to the harsh economic times that ensued, Bakari lost his motorbike business. He had bought the motorbike through a loan he secured from a Self-Help Group, for motorcyclists. The movement restrictions imposed during the pandemic made it harder for him to earn money to repay the loan and his savings within the Self-Help Group were also depleted. With limited resources, Bakari decided to try a food vending business to sustain his family.        Bakari attended an Entrepreneurship Skills training by the Navigators – EPTF Kenya in December 2023. Armed with new knowledge about business management and marketing, he began to transform his small food stall. He sells fresh vegetables (kale, tomatoes, onions etc.) and fruits and cooks and sells omena (sardines) and ugali. What was once a struggle to make ends meet slowly morphed into a thriving enterprise.”I used to be lucky to make Ksh 300 (US $2.3) a day,” Bakari recalls.”Now, it’s not unusual to earn over Ksh one thousand (U.S. $7.7) in a day”. This newfound financial stability allowed him and his wife to become active members of a savings and loan group, a step towards securing their future. His growing business has enabled him to provide for his family, ensuring their needs are met. The journey hasn’t been without its challenges. The initial months were marked by uncertainty. Customer interactions were often awkward, and marketing his food was a steep learning curve. But with persistence, Bakari overcame these hurdles. He honed his customer service skills and experimented with different marketing strategies learned from the Entrepreneurship Skills training.

Bakari’s journey exemplifies the transformative power of entrepreneurship and the positive impact of community support. This is EPTF’s vision of empowering individuals and restoring dignity in communities. Through training, mentorship, and business development support, EPTF aims to create a future where entrepreneurs like Bakari, can thrive and uplift their communities.