Justine Mukyala

Justine Mukyala, a 45-year-old single mother of four children (three boys and one girl), joined the Sustainable Livelihood Program at the Kaliro Centre in 2023. Before her enrolment, Justine was a peasant farmer who faced numerous challenges, including poor harvests despite her efforts to grow various crops. Through the Centre for Evangelism (CFE), Justine received extensive training on vegetable production and organic manure formation. Inspired by the knowledge gained, she established a backyard vegetable garden at her home. She successfully grows eggplants, collards (sukuma wiki), and green amaranth in sacks and produces her organic fertilizers to nourish the vegetables.

Justine’s vegetable business has become a dual blessing, enhancing both her family’s nutrition and her financial stability. She earns approximately UGX 7,000 (USD 1.8) daily from selling vegetables directly from her home. Her dedication and hard work have enabled her to save in two different groups: UGX 12,000 (USD 3.1) weekly and UGX 10,000 (USD 2.6) monthly. With her savings, Justine has purchased a bicycle to transport manure to her other gardens, which are located further from her home. Despite the challenges of being a single mother, she has managed to meet the educational needs of her children. Her eldest daughter is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance, and her second child is in senior six vacation.

Justine plans to expand her business by adopting more advanced organic farming technologies, demonstrating her commitment to sustainable agriculture and continuous improvement. She attributes her success and prosperity to the guidance and support provided by the Centre for Evangelism.

Her story is a testament to the transformative power of training and the positive impact it can have on individuals and their communities